What are the kinds of pets that are easy to take care of?

One of the most satisfying, powerful, and exciting things you can do is to add a pet to your family. It can, however, be extremely difficult. Having a pet is a significant improvement in one’s lifestyle. We’ll go over the basics of some of the most common animals for kids to have as pets, bust some myths, and hopefully give you a better idea of whether these animals are the right pet for you!

Easiest Pets to Care for


There’s a reason for this: dogs are the best! Dogs, of course, are the most high-maintenance pets on the list, but once you understand what you’re getting yourself into, owning a pet dog is fantastic. Consider stuff like breed and temperament, how much exercise and room they’ll require, and if it’s the best time for one to join your family to help you minimize how much maintenance a dog is. It’s a significant investment, but one that is well worth it.


The cat has to be the other top dog when it comes to the nation’s favorite pet! These adorable little critters make wonderful house pets. They’re still a major investment, but they need less effort than dogs. Depending on where you live, you have the option of keeping your cat indoors or installing a cat flap and allowing them to roam freely. Make sure your cat is completely vaccinated, microchipped, and knows where you live – especially if you’ve recently moved or if your cat is still young. If not, a litter tray in a secure and quiet location would suffice. That is, in addition to food and a lot of love.


Many people believe that rabbits are wonderful pets for small children, but rabbits are difficult to care for and have unpredictable behavior. That isn’t to say they aren’t wonderful pets—they are!—but they aren’t the “simple animal” that everyone expects them to be. Rabbits are highly complex animals that need a very unique environment in order to thrive. For instance, rabbits cannot be left alone in an enclosed hutch.

They need a secure space to sleep and relax, but that space must be connected to an outdoor area where they can comfortably run around and play. Rabbits are naturally wary creatures that need a lot of protection to protect themselves from predators including cats and foxes.

Finally, in order to survive both physically and emotionally, rabbits need a companion of their own kind.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs and hamsters are often mixed together, but the fact is that they are two very different species. Guinea pigs are much more active than hamsters, and their personalities are much more expressive. You’ll be able to tell when your piglet is happy, sad, crazy, or excited once you get to know him. Guinea pigs prefer a wide open area where they can run around, graze easily, and be protected from predators, unlike hamsters who can spend a lot of time in their own little space and be content. Guinea pigs often need interaction with other members of their species, as they are prone to isolation, which can lead to depression.


Lizards are one of the most unusual pets for children, and they will introduce your child to a new form of animal at a young age. First and foremost, you must choose the type of lizard you want. Leopard geckos are a good starter lizard because they don’t need UV lighting. Bearded dragons, iguanas, and chameleons are also common options, but all lizards have different needs and behaviors. The most critical aspects of owning a lizard are ensuring the proper temperature and light in their habitat (which may need to be adjusted at various times) and feeding them live food such as insects.


Although hamsters are entertaining and active pets, they are nocturnal, making them an unsuitable pet for small children. A hamster, on the other hand, may be good for you if you work long days and are just home alone at night. A hamster is great company in the evening hours.

Hamsters are low-maintenance creatures that can amuse themselves with a hamster wheel, tubes, and toys. They need a wire cage with a sturdy bottom that is well padded with shavings to live in.


Fish as pets can vary from easy to complex, making them an excellent first pet for children: you can start small and develop your aquarium or pond into a lively group of animals, inspiring a lifelong love of fish. We suggest starting with a 20-gallon tank and adding freshwater fish to your set. Surprisingly, goldfish are considered to be one of the most difficult pets to keep because they produce a lot of waste, need frequent washing, and can grow to enormous sizes. Anything like a barb fish, zebrafish, or angelfish is a good option. After your children have begun, they will enjoy caring for their new fishy mates.

Mice and Rats

Mice are fascinating animals to observe because they are lively and adventurous, capable of climbing robes, running through tunnels, and putting on a display for children. They are, however, squeamish and difficult to handle. If you’re looking for a small animal for your child to carry and cuddle, a rat may be a good choice.

Rats enjoy social contact and are extremely intelligent, making them ideal pets for both children and adults. Rats may become depressed if they are not given care, shortening their lifespan.

Rats and mice both need a lot of room, but rats need more than mice. Although a large aquarium can suffice for a mouse, rats need a cage with multiple levels, similar to a gerbil or hamster hutch.


Birds are majestic, lovely, and delightful animals. Choosing the correct one to hold as a pet is crucial. You must do your homework because birds vary in so many ways. You don’t want to end up with a bird that is too large, too noisy, or too much work. Macaws, for example, are common pets that can live up to 60 years! We suggest you look into budgies or canaries, as well as some smaller parrot breeds. Just make sure you do your homework before deciding on which bird to pursue!


Ferrets are similar to cats in that they are solitary, curious, and mischievous. They do, however, make excellent pets because they are both lively and intelligent. Ferrets are particularly popular with children, and if properly educated, they can be the faithful and low-maintenance companion you want. Keep in mind, though, that ferrets are curious, so your home should be ferret-proofed, with all items that could hurt or trap your pet stowed away and out of reach.


Though reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and frogs need little upkeep, creating the right habitat for them can be difficult and costly. To survive, reptiles need the ideal atmosphere, which can be achieved with the use of a heat lamp. They often need a lot of vegetation (preferably foliage that is close to that found in their natural habitat), hiding places, and ground cover.

Some people are put off by the fact that reptiles consume live prey. A reptile may not be the best pet for you if you don’t like feeding live mice or bugs to your pet.

Sea Monkeys

If any of the above animals takes more effort than you’re willing to put in, a pack of sea monkeys may be a good option. Sea monkeys are perfect for small children who like to see things move but don’t want to be responsible for a living creature. They don’t need much care and just need to be fed growth food every five to seven days. However, if the water becomes too cloudy, you can delay the food for a while longer. Sea monkeys have a two-year lifespan, which is perfect for small children who want a pet but don’t fully comprehend what having a pet means.

All About Connor Pet Health

Connor Pet Health – we know that keeping our pets happy, healthy and engaged is extremely important part of all of our lives.  That’s why I put together to put together my thoughts on how we can go about keeping our best friend healthy in this day and age. This blog brings to you news about pet health, treatments and therapies, inspiring stories, expert advice, and much more to help you – and your fur baby – live your healthiest life every day. 

This article was written with the help of Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary, a top cbd online provider. The team at Connor Pet Health is committed to providing you with the best information on how CBD can help your pet. We will always do our due diligence and research any claims that we make, but in general, if a product contains cannabidiol (CBD), it’s safe for pets. If you have questions about what might be right for your furry friend, reach out! Our preferred vendor for all things CBD-related is Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary, check out their online store for tons of pet-friendly products.