Is it true that caring for a pet transforms a person?

Connor Pet Health - we know that keeping our pets happy, healthy and engaged is extremely important part of all of our lives.

It’s no secret that caring for a pet can be very rewarding. The emotional support from the companionship of an animal is hard to beat, and there are plenty of studies out there to back up this claim.  But what if I told you that caring for a pet not only makes you feel better, it actually changes your brain?  That’s right! Studies have shown that owning pets can make people smarter, improve their memory, increase empathy/compassion levels and even lower blood pressure. How does this happen? Well, one study found that when people interact with animals they tend to use more complex language instead of just basic commands like “sit”. As a result, we learn new words and develop broader vocabularies which helps us transform and feel better. 

Pets affect people in many ways. They can change the way you feel, your emotions, and even your physical health. There are studies that show that pet owners sleep better, have lower blood pressure, are more active and spend less time at a doctor’s office than those who don’t own pets. Pets are not just for children anymore-they’re for adults too! 

There are many reasons why people choose to adopt a pet. For some, it’s for companionship and love. Some want an animal that will not judge them-a living creature who is happy just as they are without judgement or criticism. Others may feel the need to “fill” their empty nest after children have grown up and left home for college; this way there will be another pair of feet shuffling around on the floor during those long winter evenings with nothing but time on your hands! 

On the other hand, occasionally pets can hinder one’s progress instead of help when we decide that our lives are too busy for an additional responsibility which takes away from precious hours spent at work or out socializing. It’s important when considering a pet that you have the time, energy and finances to care for them. 

What Pets Can Do To Our Brain? 

1.Pets reduce stress levels by releasing oxytocin in humans. This hormone is also released when a mother nurses her child or during sexual intercourse, producing feelings of warmth and happiness. 

2. Oxytocin reduces blood pressure as well. When we’re around our pets (or those who make us feel safe) this makes life feel less stressful and more manageable; so much so that it can actually lower high blood pressure! As if they weren’t doing enough already… “Got your back.” -Pets decrease symptoms of depression without any side effects like medications do. There are many studies on how animals can help people with depression. One study showed that pet owners were less depressed than those who didn’t own pets. 

3. Pets reduce stress levels in children by boosting their self-esteem and helping them learn to regulate emotions, which can lead to a decrease in behavioral problems including ADHD and anxiety disorders. This is just one more reason why parents may want to adopt instead of buy! Pets are very supportive when it comes to raising healthy kids!  

4. A new study from the University of California found that, “People’s moods improved significantly after spending time looking at cute animals” -aka puppies!!! It seems like they just have something about them…I’m not sure what but you know there has got be some kind of magic going on here. The study found that people who spent time looking at dogs and cats were calmer and more alert after the viewing than they were before, as well as happier.* The scientists think it has to do with cuteness producing a “warm glow” or feeling of being loved. * 

5. Pets are great for socializing in retirement communities. A lot of studies show that retirees who live alone are healthier when taking care of pets. When elderly individuals take care of animals, their loneliness decreases by 28%. This is because pet owners have an improved sense of independence while also increasing socialization opportunities; so much win! 

Pets are amazing creatures that can do wonders for your health and emotional wellbeing. That’s why itโ€™s so important to take care of them! They need food, water, shelter, love (and lots of attention) in order to thrive. 

All About Connor Pet Health 

Connor Pet Health – we know that keeping our pets happy, healthy and engaged is extremely important part of all of our lives.ย  Thatโ€™s why I put together to put together my thoughts on how we can go about keeping our best friend healthy in this day and age. This blog brings to you news about pet health, treatments and therapies, inspiring stories, expert advice, and much more to help you – and your fur baby – live your healthiest life every day.ย 

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